Renée Blackwell Jewellery Design has a new look and feel after undergoing a “Soft Re-Brand”.
The purpose is to make your online experience better, easier and more fluid while exploring the treasures on the website. We have updated the logo as well as introduced a new pearl logo which reflects the exciting, expanded pearl collection. Additionally, we now feature an ear model to display earrings, enhancing your shopping experience. Nothing has changed when ordering jewellery and the policy of FREE worldwide shipping continues.
Join me for weekly video sessions on Facebook and Instagram, where I share insights on upcoming designs, travels, inspiration, tips and all things jewellery, in short one-minute clips, every week!
It’s the same Renée Blackwell Jewellery Design, only better!

What’s new!
*Regular Monthly newsletters, the first of each month. Look for the next one on March 1st.
*Two new logos! Updated “Renée Blackwell Jewellery Design” and “Pearls by Renée.”
*Expanded Pearl Collection
*Refreshed & improved website
*Earrings displayed on ear model
*Weekly video “chats” with Renée
What stays the same!
*Continued FREE postage World Wide!
*Fabulous jewellery listed on the website daily
*Gift wrapping upon request
“Lastly when you come across an Instagram or Facebook post, your support means the world to me. Please consider hitting the vital share button and/or leaving a comment, rather than just liking. Your active engagement plays a vital role in spreading the joy of RBJD to others and helps keep our algorithm alive and well. If you don’t already follow me on these platforms, please do!
I’m grateful for each follower, customer and order that we receive, and through this ‘Soft Re-brand,’ I aim to enrich your online journey with me.

PS Please subscribe to my monthly newsletter. This is the best way to receive updates, specials, new releases and sales. I guarantee you will be glad you did. Renée