Jewels & Journeys
Feb. 17, 2021
Walking thru’ life…
I asked my Facebook followers a few days ago “what do you do for exercise?” I received a few answers, which consisted of “a bit of this, a bit of that” with many just saying they try and stay active, which we all know is better than nothing.
Me? Well, I walk, and walk and you know….walk!
It’s not always been like this. I was a total fitness nut in the 80’s and 90’s and taught aerobics for 16 years. And when I say Aerobics I mean Hard. Core. Aerobics. You may or may not remember the fanatical fitness frenzy during those years, but yep, that was me.
I finally “mellowed” into yoga, thank God! This happened when hubby and I spent the better part of five years living in Mexico, where I stumbled upon a lovely Yoga teacher. I loved the combination of gentleness and strength and vowed to never again pound my body. In the years since then I have continued with Yoga, at times in classes and at times on my own.
But thru’ all of the years, it’s walking that has sustained me.
When I’ve been in my jewellery studio for 8 straight hours and can hardly stand up straight…I go for a walk.
When I’m overwhelmed in any way….I go for a walk.
When my lovely border collie Jasper looks at me in that special way…WE go for a walk.
When I’ve been on the computer processing jewellery orders and I can hardly see straight…I go for a walk.

I live 10 k (6 miles) down a dirt road, on a rural property, and my feet know every single inch of this road. Every tree, every bush, every cow, camel (yes, our neighbors have camels), every lama and every dog. I walk on my own. I walk with my hubby. I walk with my dog. I walk with my faithful walking partner Mary, who has walked with me nearly every Monday morning for 18 years! And a newer walking buddy, Glori and I now go on Thursdays.
Why do I share this in “Jewels & Journeys?” Well, walking makes me a better person. A better spouse. A better jeweller and business woman. It clears my mind and takes me out of my head and into nature. I look up and see the sky, the rain, the clouds and the fresh air.
So, if you’re looking for me, I may be at the computer, in my studio, relaxing with a book or perhaps…walking thru’ life!